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Super Bowl... Why again, Tom Brady?

Let me start by saying. Tom Brady, I, like everyone else should as well, see you as the GOAT quarterback in the NFL. I just love to see you lose, and it’s not (entirely) because of you. Just tell me, am I the only one who has a friend who is a Patriots, Penguins and Warriors fan?


But let me just say, what a game. Due to time differences I didn’t watch the game, but just hearing about it from the news and my friends was enough. 21-0 lead, the comeback, the coin flip… Even Lady Gaga. OK, no one talked about him. This will be a Super Bowl that will be remembered as the greatest comeback of all-time.


And this is how we get to the topic I think must be discussed: the coin flip. Why does the team winning the coin flip get the ONLY attack in the game, if they are able to score. Shouldn’t they give both teams atleast a chance to win? Roger Goodell, we all know you don’t like Tom Brady. Just make this rule change happen, and both me and you will be a lot happier, for completely different reasons of course.

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